Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Ready for Christmas......I'm not exactly sure - NYC has quietened down a little, not a lot, but certainly things have slowed a touch.....Am taking the whole period between Christmas and New Year off, so am not back in after tomorrow until Jan 2. Which to UK readers sounds fairly reasonable, to Americans...that's quite a long holiday....

Christmas Eve tomorrow and we have a lot of stuff going on in the evening - Father Christmas pays a visit to the street....It'll be interesting to see Izzy's take on the whole thing....Last time she saw Father Christmas, we suggested she should go and tell him what she would like for Christmas - she refused saying " I don't want to because I don't know him".....

Surely the perfect answer for all parents....."Stay away from Strangers !!!!"

Merry Christmas Everyone......

1 comment:

Midori said...

You must be busy Simon!