Saturday, June 14, 2008

M&M's Training Program

We have Isabelle on a potty training program. For every sucessful wee-wee on the potty, she earns a sticker for her chart.

At the end of the day she can exchange the stickers for sweeties !! She has been amazing with the training......very few accidents.

I think she's figured out a loophole though. She seems to be drinking much more water ! The result, more potty visits leading to more sweets !
So far so good though....she deserves every sweety...

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Beach Boy

Went out to Eatons Neck again today. It's a little further than other beaches, but it's empty once we actually get there. Other beaches are packed and not that enjoyable when you need to keep an eye on Izzy and Toby.

Great day to get away from Brooklyn. Incredibly humid at the moment. Temp. today was high of 91 F. Forecast for tomorrow 96 F, so it's great to get to the coast and get some fresh air.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Where is my plane !

Once again I find myself in an airport. And once again there is no plane.....

Apparently, its on the better be. As much as I love Mickey Mouse, I don't want to spend Friday night on my own in Orlando....

Wait a minute...its here..gotta run

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Another week passes by. This week saw me heading to Memphis. Didn't see much of the area though, only the inside of a factory ravaged by a fire! Oh, plus an airport and a hotel.

I did get another look at Manhattan on the way back though...Always impressive and always nice to see when returning home.
You can just make out Prospect Park in the top left of the picture (dark patch)...our apartment is somewhere in that part of Brooklyn.